The weekend zoomed away, It's Monday again! Another weekday, 4 more to go till Friday afternoon. It is snowing here. I had tried to dig out my car to go to work, but at the end I ended up using my husband's car, because mine was completely frozen ( I couldn't open the door).I answered about 20 questions that I found
here, to find out if blogging is the right thing for me. Why have I started writing this blog in the first place? After questioning myself I realised a few things:
- I am not very much into writing at all, I don't even have a message that I want to communicate to others. I don't think I am a great communicator. I change my writings often and in general I don't like reading what I have written. Not a good start for writing a blog. Uhm??!
- A little bit more comforting is that I am a person with some initiative, a self starter, interested in plunging myself into something new. But, on the other hand, writing a blog needs a motivated person who would keep on writing it. And what is my motivation in doing this? What would make me sit at the computer and write a post every day?
- MOTIVATION? Writing a diary of my everyday life, thoughts, ideas, my family....documenting my life? NO, that wouldn't motivate me. Too boring. It's way back to primary school since I last wrote a diary, that's a bit childish. Talking about a certain topic (music, photography, inerior design, cooking...) ? NO, there's no such a thing I am so keen on to keep me writing about it, day after day. Teaching and preaching about something I am good at? NO. What that would be? I don't consider myself an expert in anything. Communicating with a number of unknown people around the blogosphere who would leave their comments for every post I write? NO WAY. Communicating with too many people doesn't really make me happy. And it's also time consuming. Earning money? I know some people use their blogs for advertising their jobs, or advertising other people's jobs. But I have no interest in doing that whatsoever. Talking to myself - doing a sort of self-psychotherapy? Arranging words into lines, putting thoughts and ideas into writings has a soothing effect sometimes. But then I wouldn't write a blog! I could as well have my thoughts written in a folder on my hard disc, knowing that my sick conversations with myself will stay safely locked. Trying to prove something to myself? Maybe. I just have to figure out what that might be.