Showing posts with label Films. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Films. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sunday, July 01, 2012


HEARTBURN has been on my To Watch list for months. 
Yesterday I finally downloaded the film and today, 
just as I was going to sit down and watch it, a friend of mine called.
 I am going to watch Nora Ephron's film, I told her. 
Oh, is it the one who died the other day? she replied. 
I rushed to the computer and googled.
I couldn't believe! 
But  sadly, it is true.

I just remembered the first sentence of my very first post, two years ago.

Friday, May 11, 2012


A nice restaurant in Madrid  via here.

I want to watch this movie.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Two excellent movies I watched last week.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011


Must watch this film today or tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Again, I want this poster on my wall. Again, I wouldn't know where to put it.
Too many ideas, too little space.

By the way, I started watching the movie, but it didn't grip my attention.
Maybe, I just wasn't in a mood. I'll try to watch it some other time.

Monday, October 04, 2010


I want this poster on my wall, the problem is I don't have a free wall  to put it on. 
Watch the film, if you already haven't. Who's zooming who in this movie?
It's always complicated in Woody's films. 
I prefer 
Vicky Cristina Barcelona,
or my favorite one
Hannah and Her Sisters
but I like the title of this film as well as the poster.

Friday, October 01, 2010


An interview with Drew Barrymore / Marie Claire / September 2010

I'm trying to figure out how relationships work. All I know is, there aren't any rules.  I am a romantic and it scares me...
What do I actually want from a relationship? Definitely laughter! What is love? It smells good - like somebody's skin. It's amazing to me that, when you fall in love with someone, you just start to love the way they smell...
Conversation drifts to the core subject of GOING THE DISTANCE : long distance relationships. She finds no comfort in technology's advancements and the the way, supposedly, it brings people together... I think there's a huge false sense of security in the technology of "we are always connected so we can be apart" because, unless you have a 3,000-mile-long penis, that's not exactly the case...I don't think it's healthy to put everything on another person, whether it be your friend or lover. You have to be accountable for yourself and your happiness and be OK with being on your own. I think relationships flourish much more from that lack of dependency.... Though people expect more from their partners... Totally! Notice how much fucking easier friendships are - because expectations are the mother of deformity. And, also, the minute you have sex, it changes everything.
Does it have to?... Fuck yes, it does! Don't tell me it hasn't happened to you. You fucked a friend and you are like, "Shit, it's not going to be the same! We had everything! Why did you fuck me!" And then you can't be friends anymore."............

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Couples We Love





Sunday, July 18, 2010


Sometimes an education isn't by the book.
I love this movie.
I totally agree with Alis.

And the music!

Aren't playboys fun to be with?
Never a dull moment with them.
They do know how to seduce a girl,
her mother,
and her grandmother if necessary.
 You, dull guys, should learn a trick or two from them,
how to make a girl's life sparky and romantic!
Quelle domage  they are mainly 
childish womanizers and liars.

Sunday, June 06, 2010


Jučer odgledala SEX AND THE CITY 2 u Osijeku. Premijera je posvuda po svijetu, pa me veseli da držimo korak sa svjetskim kinoprojekcijama. Večernji izlazak u šetnju po osječkom keju uz Dravu + projekciju u 21.30 (vrlo kasno!!) odradila sam sa još tri žene, kako bi bile u kompletu: Filipa je bila Carrie, Rahelu je zapala uloga Samanthe, Željka je bila Charlotte, a ja, naravno, Miranda.
Filipa me je  ukorila i rekla da sam se ja modno izblamirala na ljetovanju u Tunisu, jer sam po pustinji hodala obučena kao smlata, dok ....pogle njih ...u dizajnerskim krpicama.

Evo što obučeš kad ideš jahati deve u pustinju.

 A, evo mene, modno neosvještene u pustinji.

Sa zanimanjem sam pročitala ovaj post na blogu Mirror Mirror gdje se raspravlja koliko je dizajnerski stan u kojem stanuju Carrie i Faca u skladu sa njenim ukusom i osobnosti. Moram priznati da mi se više sviđao njen stan u STC1, kojeg možeš vidjeti ovdje.

Na početku filma, par taktova Alicie Keys podsjetilo me koliko je ta njena verzija (bez Jay - Z) pjesme NEW YORK bolja

Friday, May 28, 2010


 Danas bi na kavu mogla do ovog mladića, ne toliko zbog njega, više zbog lijepe terase sa cvijećem i, pretpostavljam, zanimljivog pogleda.
Mladić i njegova terasa su izniknuli odavdje.

Približava se kraj školske godine, i nastavnici i učenici su polusluđeni od umora i svi brojimo dane do početka praznika. Da napravim mali break od monotonije školskog gradiva, sa učenicima sam gledala LEAP YEAR. Jako im se svidio, za divno čudo, pošto nije ni horror, niti ima borilačkih scena, sexa, a niti leševa. Divna romantična komedija, nešto po mom ukusu, pa me nije smetalo što sam film odgledala 11 puta, u svim razredima. Sve dijaloge i scene znam napamet. Irska je divna i stoji na mom popisu destinacija već duže vrijeme. Iako bi izbjegla Dublin i šetala samo po starim selima, keltskim ruševnim kulama, pašnjacima sa kravicama i ovcama i malo se razonodila u pubovima.

Ima jedna scena u filmu, kada se glavna junakinja Ana vraća avionom u Boston iz Irske. Naravno, ona nikada neće zaboraviti svog Irca, koji je ostao u Irskom idiličnom selu, pa u toj sceni ide pjesmica I'll never forget you od Noisettes. Kad god ju čujem na radiju sjetim se scene iz filma.

See you.


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