Sunday, February 28, 2010


The last day of February and the first day of sunshine in weeks, that have been rainy and gloomy. I am getting fed up with brownish and greyish woolen skirts and cardigans, turtlenecks and tights. I can't wait for the time to put all my winter clothes into plastic bags and tuck them away, into the attick closet. Not that I like the actual activity of  storing away clothes, in fact, I abhore it. For years I have been emptying my wardrobe and putting away my winter/summer/autumn clothes into plastic bags and getting summer/winter/autumn clothes out of plastic bags and into the wardrobe. The same goes for my kids' clothes. So, when I grow up, one day, I will have the ultimate dream of all women throughout the universe:  A WALK IN CLOSET (5m x 5 m) where all my clothes will be nicely stored, according to colours, or maybe seasons... There will be a huge mirror, an ironing board and an armchair or two. And a shoe closet, although I am, luckily, not a big collector of shoes.
I am so sorry I didn't find the place in my house for a room that could hold all my clothes. So, I am stuck with about 10 metres of wardrobe lenght all around the house, which just makes your life difficult when trying to locate your summer/winter/autumn/spring clothes, belts, scarves, gloves, hats, bags and all the other accessories.

I don't think I would like to have doors in my closet.

I don't think I would like to keep my smelly shoes together with my clothes.

How could possibly shoes be so clean inside and outside...? Does she walk or fly? 


Slika ovog telefona podsjetila me je da i mi imamo sličan, Filipa ga je prefarbala u ljubičasto.
Sada ponekad služi Tei i Filipi kao rekvizit pri njihovim foto sešnima.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You Will Never

 ... have this kind of energy!
How energetic should you be if you had 7 kids under the age of 13, including two sets of twins? How organized should you be if you changed about 7 houses in New York, moving into a new house with every new child? How cool should you be to turn your life into a profitable business making a reality show out of it?
And how should a lucky couple look like after going through all this ordeal? Well, here they are .......

 the incredible Robert and Courtney Novogratz 

They have been all over internet, magazines and TV programmes, so I could copy paste some information about them, in case you haven't already heard.

  • They renovate derilict houses all over New York and then sell them for a profit of a few millions.
  • They live in a newly decorated home and then sell it, to make profit, moving all their possesions and children to another house.
  • Neither of them was trained as a designer or an architect. They are self-taught designers who have been doing this for 15 years. They have done 9 buildings in New York as well as many other projects.
  • They have written a book "Downtown Chic" about the whole decorating thing.
  • They have 7 kids and they live a hip, glamorous life in a fabulous, spacious, art-filled house, which has magically uncluttered surfaces.
  • They have their own reality show, just to show how all this is possible.
                                                        And here is the whole family

How should a house with (goat mother and) 7 kids look like? 
Full of toys, scattered clothes all over the floor, 
some baby trolleys or prams in the near vicinity? 
Well, here is the kitchen...

and daddy working at a tidy, uncluttered desk....
and some of the kids playing nicely at the same desk...

and a baby playing with some well designed toys on a rug in the living room.....

well, there are no kids in the nursery...
They must be gone for a walk. Or they might be in another playroom?

Monday, February 22, 2010


I brought an ivy twig from my recent trip to Cote D'Azzure. There was this wonderful, old house in the village near Monte Carlo, covered in redish-brownish-yellowish-greenish ivy. Unfortunatelly, my camera batteries ran out so I didn't take the photograph. But it looked somehow like this ...






The colors were just amazing.
So, I picked up a few branches with some leaves.
I brought them home.
In some water, of course.
But, they were not very promising.
Very soon the leaves fell off the branches
and there was just a bare, dry twig left.
I left it on the window sill in a pot of water.
Today, I had a look and there was a surprise.
Three little leaves coming out!



I have never had green fingers and this is probably the first time I have grown out any greenery. Usually, plants just die out in my presence, no matter how nicely I treat them. Maybe this ivy has flourished just because I have forgotten about it (as you can see in the photo, the water hasn't been changed for weeks).

I have this idea of covering some walls in my garden with ivy but I also have no idea how long it will take the ivy to grow. In the meantime, I have also sort of stolen a few branches of green ivy from a garden I was passing by from my way to work. No problem with this sort. It's been flourishing in water, so very soon I will be planting it in the garden.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Hall

What do you think, are these pictures original paintings or just framed posters from a calendar?



The answer is: the cheaper version.
Would you notice?

Saturday, February 20, 2010


What is it in chalkboards that make them such a popular feature in creatively designed homes? The fact that we can wipe off the inscriptions and change the design every so often? Or is it plainly the fact that we all have subconcious reminiscences about our school days? Are we nostalgic of our childhood days? 

Chalks are messy,
I MUST buy some of these great
Click on this link and have a look!



This is how it looks like every Friday afternoon when Filipa, my daughter, comes home from a nearby town, where she attends school.


And on Saturday morning...

... and on Saturday afternoon...


...and the next day...

... and a little bit later...

on Sunday...

and then on Sunday afternoon she leaves and there leaves her suitcase as well.

How could you disprove a teenager's philosophy that there is no point unpacking or moving away your suitcase, when you will need it again very soon?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This or that and why?

Each time we start with an inspiring picture. Today, it is something to remind us that the spring is getting closer.

Question No.21 in the questionnaire I did the other day was very interesting to me:

  1. Are you Consistent? – One of the common reasons that I see bloggers getting into trouble with their readers or other bloggers is that they change the way they approach their blogging midstream. Bloggers that are constantly changing the topic of their blogs, or who increase their expectations on readers suddenly, or who change the ‘voice’ that their blog is written in can end up losing the respect of their readers. While no one likes a boring blog – people do like to know what to expect to some extent.

Since I started writing this blog I have been changing templates (yes, I've changed it again, I don't think I will stick to this one for a long time, but for the time being, it will work), fonts, even the name of the blog. I have been rewriting my posts, changing my voice, deleting pictures, trying this and that.... But most of all I've been trying to figure out why I am doing all this "blogging" or better say, talking to myself, imagining I am addressing somebody else
 After I've done some thinking, I came up with this:
  • I want to see if I am capable of doing something regularly.
  • I want to prove myself I am willing to learn.
  • I want to become well organized and consistent blogger (person).
  • I want to inspire two close persons to start writing their blogs as well                                              (my daughter Filipa and my best friend Ivana). 
  • I want to collect all the things I find interesting at one place.
  • I want to practice a little bit of English - that's why I am writing posts in English.
  • I want to cheer up a few good friends of mine who I know would appreciate me doing this.
  • I want to cheer myself up, as I am the only reader and visitor of my secret space (apart from some accidental onlookers from faraway countries that stay on these pages for a couple of minutes anyway)

Well, enough reasons to keep on writing this blog.

And there is also some music for you (ha,!) to enjoy: MUSIC 
 And music is - Master's Hand - Charlotte Gainsbourg

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I came across this picture via Decor8. Dora's mother seems to be a very stylish young woman from Croatia, living in London.  Go to Dora iz Londona and see all her pictures, her house is so white, scandinavian and serene. I just adore simplicity and tidiness of her flat, something I will never be able to accomplish. Anyway, we share the taste in lampshades and white frames, with no pictures in them. Compare my lampshades to hers.

 Lampshade in Tea's room

Lampshade in the study. Both of them bought in London.

Frames in the hall....

...waiting for some pictures that will never come...

Not my hall, but the idea is similar.


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