Sunday, February 09, 2014


Sincerely I never been a big fan of mantras and procedural practices. I been a few times at a local buddhist center for their meditation sessions. I like group meditation but their mantras about dragons and evils to me was a an utter nonsense.
With ho’oponopono it’s drastically different. I am very practical person and had to try everything on myself. I don’t mind to accept 100% responsibility for stuff or doing mantras as long as I’d see a positive results in my life. I don’t buy promises of salvation in the next life. I want to see results here and now – and better sooner than later or I’ll say “thank you” and move over to the next teaching. And ho’oponopono practice literally did a magic to me, my life, my family and my surroundings.
I stumbled over Dr. Hew Len’s saying “I didn’t heal them, I healed part of myself that created them…” at one of the lowest points in my life. This phase grasped my attention and forced me to read everything about Ho’oponopono. It just made such perfect sense to my miserable depressed mind. And of course I tried to practice it. What followed for me was literally miraculous.


Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Monday, February 03, 2014

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Friday, January 31, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014



Filipa's lunch today.
Near Florence.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Finally! I want THAT NANO SPRAY!!!!!!
I want to make my homemade butter!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Sljedeća aktivnost koju preporučujemo za one koji žele da povećaju energetske vibracije u tijelu je okretanje. 
Pomjerajte se sa lijeve na desnu stranu, okrećući se oko sebe i fokusirajući pogled na palac, brojeći i okretajući se. Mi predlažemo da se vi okrećete 33 puta najmanje jednom dnevno. Vi možete da dostignete 33 okretaja veoma sporo. Ako ste u mogućnosti da dostignete 33 okretaja, tri puta dnevno, tako da se okrećete 99 puta dnevno, vidjećemo koliko ćete dugo ostati na ovoj planeti ili barem u ovoj dimenziji. 

Kad završite okretanje, bez obzira koliko ste obrtaja napravili, stavite svoje dlanove zajedno ispred grudi. Spojite ih, držeći svoje oči otvorene i balansirajte sa stopalima razmaknutim u nivou ramena tako da se osjećate usidreni, a da još osjećate okretanje u isto vrijeme. 
Ovo jako ubrzava okretanje čakri unutar vašeg tijela, što značajno ubrzava nivo na kome vi možete primiti i interpretirati informacije. 



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