Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Dvadesetak minuta vožnje autobusom od Canterburyja nalazi se Whitstable,
pitoreskni gradić po mojoj mjeri.
Bila je to lijepa šetnja, nakon proljetnog pljuska.
A, dok je kiša padala ja sam rovarila po second hand i Oxfam shopovima, jer ovaj gradić ih je prepun.
Bio je to bogat ulov za Filipu, a sve je jeftino - svaki odjevni predmet ili torbicu koju sam kupila
platila sam između 16 i 40 kn. What a bargain!
Kavu nisam stigla popiti jer sam bila previše zauzeta lutanjem, fotografiranjem i obilaženjem trgovina. Doduše, bilo je tu zgodnih kavanica kao npr...
this one ...or
that one
ali, kao što rekoh ja sam bila previše zabavljena razgledavanjem ovoga..

Monday, April 12, 2010

Šalica i izlozi

Danas nije bitno gdje pijemo kavu, ali ja ću je popiti iz ove šalice, jer poruka mi baš paše.

Catharine Colebrook

dok pijem kavicu slušam ovo 

Zimus smo Filipa i ja nabasale na zanimljiv butik VICTOR u Zagrebu.
Nisu samo izlozi u Londonu eyecatching. I ovaj je dovoljno artistički
dizajniran da ide ukorak sa Londonskim. Čovjek bi se i zabunio kad
vidi da je natpis na izlogu napisan engleskim jezikom. Stvarno, ljudi koji
barem ne razumiju engleski, uskraćeni su za puno toga. Ne možeš više ni
u izlozima uživati u potpunosti, bez poznavanja jezika.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


U Londonskim izlozima se vidi da je došlo proljeće. 
Zašto, zašto, ooooo zašto u mom malom gradu nema windowshop designera 
koji bi nam uveselili razgledavanje trgovina ovakovim kompozicijama.
Pogledaj ovaj proljetni display. Mislim da to ne bi bilo ni skupo izvesti. 
Već zamišljam čitav grad i sve izloge ukrašene na istu temu - proljeće i narcisi.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Gdje popiti kavu?

I'm back. Svi su sretni, naročito cure - sviđaju im se pokloni. 
Neću ni spominjati kako izgleda kuća nakon mog desetodnevnog izbivanja. 
Ne znam gdje bi prije počela, pa ćemo zato prvo popiti kavu,
na jednom od ovih mjesta koje su mi se svidjele u Londonu i Canterburyju.
Prvo kava, a onda povratak tu gdje jesam.
Izbor je slijedeći:
Na glavnoj ulici u Canterburyju
Ili možda....

Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter Monday

 Danas je Easter Monday i ja tumaram sama po Hampsteadu.
Predivno predgrađe prepuno zelenila i starih viktorijanskih vila.
Taj dio Londona nije komercijaliziran i zadržao je izgled village-like naselja.
Dok lutam polupraznim ulicama (juro je i još trgovine ne rade)
tu i tamo sretnem isto ovako radoznale turiste sa mapom,
koji također uživaju u miru i tišini. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Host Family

Here at last! In Canterbury.
My host family is very friendly. Danas kavicu možemo popiti sa njima.
Andrew i Kate su simpatični domaćini, oboje su znanstvenici, 
ona je vrsna kuharica, a on zaljubljenik u vrtlarstvo. 
Sin Harry (9) i kćerka Rosie (11) i mačak Cornflake nisu na slici. 
U pozadini, iza Andrewa, je mapa Velike Britanije na kojoj su označili mjesta 
kroz koja su prošli na ljetovanju prošle godine. 
Četiri tjedna su kružili Engleskom i Walesom i spavali u šatoru.
Andrew je upravo dobio otkaz i veliku otpremninu u firmi kao višak radne snage.
I kod njih je kriza. Ali, on već zna čime bi se volio baviti u budućnosti i time zarađivati za život. 
 Pa da bacimo pogled u njihov vrt i vidmo što je do sada uspio napraviti u vlastitom gardenu.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Take drugs and keep calm

This is for the rest of my family because they are all chocoholics, and I am not.

I don't know if there is a poster KEEP CALM AND HAVE ASENTRA, that would be something more appropriate for me.
I don't need no walls around me, I don't need no drugs to calm me!
Well, it doesn't work for me.
If I don't have my daily dosage, it's usually ...



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

hi again

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Boje na ovoj slici me uvijek razvesele. 
Pogledaj samo te vesele kaliće na zidu, dođe mi da prekopiram ideju kreativne Rubbyellen, 
koja svoje dvije kćerkice odgaja na tako lepršav, bezbrižan i kreativan način, da je to za diviti se. 
Da li smo mi svoju djecu tako odgajale kad su bili ovako mali? 
Ova mlada majka sve to lijepo dokumentira na svom blogu Cakies
puna je inspirativnih ideja, ima svoj shop na internetu, 
dobro šije, kćerkice su joj preslatke, muž zgodan, a svaki dan zabavan.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sensa vikend

Vratila sam se sa svog antistresnog vikenda. Vježbala sam jogu, pilates, kupala se u bazenu, jela predivnu hranu, učila igrati golf, sudjelovala u zanimljivim workshopovima - lijepo ispunjen vikend u hotelu Golf Spa Resort u Svetom Martinu.

Workshopove držali:

Tatjana Divjak, life&business coach

Mirko Vragović, vlasnik centra za relaksaciju Oraveda

Dino Šket, voditelj Rejuvenation Centra

Petra Carmichael, instruktorica joge u studiju Divya

Mirela Anić, instruktorica pilatesa u studiju Body&Mind

Tatjana Divjak:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


see you

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I want

Today was one of those days when something takes a wrong turn and goes into a direction you don't want it to go. So, how it all started? Step by step.
A few weeks ago a friend of mine talked me into going to 3rd SENSA weekend  that was going to be organised in a woderful Spa and Golf resort in St Martin's. She had already attended 2nd SENSA weekend in Split and she said it was a truly inspiring experience. What is  SENSA weekend?  It is a weekend where you try to get rid of everyday stress in a luxurious environment of  a many stars******** hotel. Attending yoga and pilates classes and workshops about Chinese philosophy of five elements, talking to a life and business coach, splashing in a swimming pool or whirlpool, taking your first golf lesson, eating healthy food.... all this should bring you closer to your inner self, relax you, recharge your batteries and bring you back to your tedious tiny life refreshed and like new!
As it sounded just the right thing for me to experience, I booked my place. Friday 19/03 to Sunday 21/03. And just to mention that I have wanted to visit St Martin Spa for years and I have never had the chance, so it seemed as a God's sign.
A friend of mine suggested taking our husbands and children with us and making it a family weekend but I swiftly and pronouncedly refused such a nebulous idea.  I would probably be so stressed out after such a family happening that not even another sensa weekend could take away the stress. Eventually, she is coming to St Martin  with her husband and a younger child, and I am coming alone.
Then, the day before yesterday, I got to know that my morning shift at school had been changed into afternoon shift for the whole week, including Friday - the day I planned to travel. It was due to some state exams, and it really affected all my plans as well as my timetable at the private school where I also teach.

Ending of the story:
I had so many problems finding a replacement for my classes, getting a day off and leaving ....

I would need a few sensa weekends to get rid off the stress I got, talking to my headmistress, explaining to her why I needed a day off.

Did it pay off? Read here.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Whenever I come across a photograph of the room with some brick walls, I HAVE TO copy paste it.
I have quite a few of them, which I would like to share with you. 
They have been collected in a longer period of time, so I don't know their sources. 
I like brick walls in all colours:
 design sponge

 the selby

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nered, nered, everywhere

Gospođica je dotjerana izletjela van, a za njom ostaje

Ne...., mene to ne smeta, mene to ne smeta, mene to ne smeta...

ja sad idem popiti kavu, recimo ovdje...

Možeš se pridružiti, ako ti se sviđa.

Saturday, March 13, 2010



Are you fond of Modern Art because it is so colorful and so simple that you think 
you can draw or paint the picture yourself? 
Have you ever taken a photograph of a modern, simple painting thinking: 
As soon as I find some spare time I'm going to paint this picture myself. 
I know it would be stealing and forging, not a nice thing to do, especially not from the artist's point of view. The idea is what counts, even if it is simple. 
But somehow, whenever I see a very simple painting that I like, 
I have a wish to paint it myself. 
It usually stays a wish, so far I have copied just one painting and hang it in my hall. 
I will maybe show you the picture of it although, I am a bit embarassed that anybody finds out 
I've made a forgery. 
Look at these beautiful pictures, they would do my walls so shiny and bright!
And painting them would bring me back to my Art lessons in Primary School.

Friday, March 12, 2010

You Will Never



Dover Street Market is a shop to go if you are a real fashionist. 
Designers clothes you can see there are the masterpieces, works of art.
Concept and Direction of this shop is made by a Japanese designer Rei KAWAKUBO, who says:
"I want to create a kind of market where various creators from various fields gather together and encounter each other in an ongoing atmosphere of beautiful chaos:
the mixing up and coming together of different kindred souls who all share a strong personal vision.
I would like for DSM to be the place where fashion becomes fascinating."


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